Hizkuntzak eta elkartrukeak


Geure burua ezagutu, geure norabidea jakin.

“Askatasuna” institutuak eleaniztasunari garrantzia ematen dio. Gure hizkuntzez gain, atzerriko hizkuntzak ikastea baliabide nagusi bat da gizarte garaikidea ulertzeko eta norberaren bidea zehazteko.


DBH 4. mailako eta Bartxilergoko 1. mailako ikasleek, Danimarkako Aalborg-eko “Katedralskole” ikastetxeko ikasleekin eta Norvegiako Sykkylven herriko "VGS" eskolako ikasleekin partekatzen dute esperientzia. Eskandinabiako herri haueetan  ingelesez aritzeko aukera dute. Gainera, beste irakaskuntza-sistema bat, beste gizarte bat eta beste aztura batzuk bertatik ezagutzen dituzte.


Getting to know ourselves, finding out our course

“Askatasuna” Secondary School attaches importance to multilingualism. In addition to our own languages, learning foreign languages is one of the main means of understanding contemporary society and determining one’s own path.

Students in the last year of Middle School and 1st year of High School, however, share their experience with students from the “Katedralskole” school in Aalborg, Denmark, and with students from the “VGS” school in the Norwegian town of Sykkylven. In these Scandinavian countries they have the opportunity to speak English while they get to know another education system, another society and other habits.